Queering Spirituality

with Mäki Ashe Van Steenwyk

Ashe will explore what it means to “queer” spirituality. To “queer” something is to re-examine, deconstruct, or subvert it though a queer lens. It means to pay attention to our deepest longings and listen to the wisdom of our bodies as we join the Spirit in the Great Work of Liberation. This work involves unearthing the toxic myths and ideas that weave through our own consciousness as well as challenging the way these myths and ideas take concrete expression in the world around us. This session, which will benefit cishet folks as well as queer folks, will include a presentation, as well as discussion and contemplative practice.

about the facilitator

Ashe (she/they) is the Director of the Center for Prophetic Imagination in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a spiritual director, activist, author, and teacher whose work focuses on the intersection of spirituality and radical action. Ashe is the author of A Wolf at the Gate, unKingdom, and That Holy Anarchist, as well as a contributor to a number of edited tomes and publications. Ashe earned an MDiv from Bethel Theological Seminary, studied Spiritual Direction at the University of St. Catherine’s graduate school, and is currently writing her doctoral dissertation at United Theological Seminary.

the title of the workshop - queering spirituality - in a rainbow design with the photograph of the facilitator in the background

Playing the Holy Fool


with Mäki Ashe Van Steenwyk

Within Christianity there is a strange subset of the prophet called the “Holy Fool.” Holy Fools defy social convention in both word and action–sometimes in bizarre ways–out of their religious devotion. In this workshop, we will engage this “archetype” of the Holy Fool. We learn about specific historical examples, spend time in spiritual practice, and explore ways of allowing the Holy Fool to shape our praxis in the world.

about the facilitator

Mäki Ashe Van Steenwyk (they/them) is a writer, teacher, organizer, and spiritual director. For nearly 15 years, they have sown seeds of subversive spirituality throughout North America. Ashe is is the Executive Director of the Center for Prophetic Imagination in Minneapolis. They co-founded the Mennonite Worker in Minneapolis in 2004 with their spouse Amy. Ashe is the author of That Holy Anarchist, unKingdom, and A Wolf at the Gate.

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