Our beloved friend Jonathon Reed, is heading up a workshop during our Cahoots in Quarantine series geared towards youth. Join him on June 3rd for his workshop titled “When you’re hopeful, where do you put it?” You can register for the workshop at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsdO-srDkpHdJZByuDF31AtHUrq50T89jW
Here’s his description:
First priority: Reconnect with the love of the powerful young people of Cahoots, wear silly hats, say hi and share a bit about the past year plus a favourite memory from past Cahoots. Second priority: Talk about hope. Make some meaningful art inspired by the natural world and put it in the MAIL to the grassroots activists at the heart of The Wasteland Plan. Third priority: Learn to teleport.
~ Jonathan Reed