Visit our Attiwandaron Neighbours (who moved out 400 years ago)

with Jay Thiessen

Have you ever noticed the National Historic Site across the road? Come walk back through time and see the raised earth mounds that remain from the fortified village that was home to 800-900 Attiwandaron people (also known as the Neutral Iroquois) when they lived here between 1500 and 1650. It is also just a nice long walk (1.5km round trip). So come for the excercise; or come for the joy of historical education; or come to spend time in nature; or come spend the afternoon imagining you live in a Attiwandaron fort. All are welcome.

about the facilitator

Jay never misses a chance to read a historic plaque so he couldn’t resist the one across from Cahoots. He’s ready with interesting historical facts for anyone who shares his fascination with Canadian history. He won’t be offended if you hang back a few feet where you don’t need to listen to him.

the title of the workshop - visit our attiwandaron neighbours - in a rainbow design on top of a picture of the facilitator smiling

Ritual and Community Building

(All ages welcome, but participants should know that mature content and language will be used.)

with Kimmothy Cole

The creation and engagement of shared culture invites us into community. In environments where folx assemble from various backgrounds, the formation of shared culture can be a key to unlock a sense of shared vision. Ritual is one way to co-create a shared identity based on the specific needs and preferences of community participants. Ritual and Community Building begins with conversation and Kimmothy sharing about the structure and tools of ritual. Participants will then utilize this information and their own knowledge and aesthetic preferences to practice inventing new rituals for their daily practice or community space. Participation in ritual building is encouraged, but observers are welcome.

about the facilitator

Kimmothy Cole (they/them) is an educator, collaborator, performer, designer and ritual artist. Their work is oriented around small-impact, ripple-effect methods of sharing that include healing practices, space creation and equipping members of their community to (re)discover their capacity to be the authors of the changes they wish to see. Their work grows from experiences with devised theatre, songwriting, herbalism, LARP (live action role playing), faith-based community practices, choreography, immersive performance and community organizing. They are currently serving as the Coordinator for Communitas, a community initiative and sacred collective based out of Austin, TX. Their ritual, instructional and performance work has been featured at festivals, venues and domestic spaces across the US.

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