Queering Spirituality

with Mäki Ashe Van Steenwyk

Ashe will explore what it means to “queer” spirituality. To “queer” something is to re-examine, deconstruct, or subvert it though a queer lens. It means to pay attention to our deepest longings and listen to the wisdom of our bodies as we join the Spirit in the Great Work of Liberation. This work involves unearthing the toxic myths and ideas that weave through our own consciousness as well as challenging the way these myths and ideas take concrete expression in the world around us. This session, which will benefit cishet folks as well as queer folks, will include a presentation, as well as discussion and contemplative practice.

about the facilitator

Ashe (she/they) is the Director of the Center for Prophetic Imagination in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a spiritual director, activist, author, and teacher whose work focuses on the intersection of spirituality and radical action. Ashe is the author of A Wolf at the Gate, unKingdom, and That Holy Anarchist, as well as a contributor to a number of edited tomes and publications. Ashe earned an MDiv from Bethel Theological Seminary, studied Spiritual Direction at the University of St. Catherine’s graduate school, and is currently writing her doctoral dissertation at United Theological Seminary.

the title of the workshop - queering spirituality - in a rainbow design with the photograph of the facilitator in the background

Migrant Workers Exploitation: Learn and Act


with Varka Kalaydzhieva + Sabrina Chiefari + Leah Watkiss

For years, migrant workers coming to Canada have been subjected to exploitation by employers, landlords, supervisors. Many are underpaid, overworked, abused. This experiential exercise leads participants to experience the exploitation migrant workers face when they arrive in Canada. Through a role-play, participants are guided through some of the exploitation workers experience at various stages of their migration, such as recruitment debt, dangerous work conditions, unlawful pay deductions, and crowded and unsanitary living conditions. After a debrief, the participants are asked to engage in various forms of support, advocacy and reflection.

about the facilitators

Varka is Project Manager in the Ministry for Social Justice, Peace, and Creation Care with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto (CSJ). She has in interest and experience in various social justice issues, including migrant justice and human trafficking. Leah is Ministry Director of the CSJ Ministry for Social Justice, Peace, and Creation Care. She holds an M.A. in Peace and Justice from the University of San Diego. Sabrina is a Catholic Environmental Educator from Tkaronto/Toronto. As Creation Care Animator for the CSJ, she’s a long time proponent of Deep Ecology and Integral Ecology. She holds a certificate in Community Arts Practice and an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies from York University.

the title of the workshop - migrant workers exploitation learn and act - in a rainbow design with the photos of the facilitators (3 women) in the background

Like a Tree Planted By Streams of Water: contemplative prayer in the forest

with Leanne Wild

This session will use the practice of silent attentiveness to/in the woods as well as practices and texts from various ancient forms of christian contemplative prayer to provide an opportunity for prayer (possibly unlike anything you’ve called prayer before!) in and among the community of the forest: our fellow created beings. It could be called ‘lectio natura’ (something like ‘lectio divina’, an ancient method of prayer through silent attentiveness to specific words of scripture): we will ‘read’ from the book of creation. As we slowly wander a path through the woods we will alternately listen (to short readings; questions or prompts), perceive, meditate, share observations, walk, stand and sit.

about the facilitator

Leanne has been a community development worker, trainer of camp leaders, writer, high school drama teacher, grief support facilitator, and theology student, and has been a lover of both the woods and Jesus since she can remember. Her recent experience of homeschooling led to new ways of seeing and being in the woods; and her experience of a Theology course in Contemplative Prayer led to new ways of knowing and understanding prayer. Together, these discoveries have opened a space for praying in a way that is instinctive, gentle and powerful, and she has been sharing it with others whenever she can.

the title of the workshop - like a tree planted by streams of water - in a rainbow style design with a photo of a woman with a flower in her hair in the background

Laudato Si’: What is it, why is it, and how might one use it?

with Sabrina M. Chiefari

Laudato Si’ was written to all of humanity from Pope Francis about care for our common home. In this session, participants are invited to take in an overview of the letter and the impact it is having around the world. We will explore questions around the document and how it can be used in care for Creation, decolonization, and climate justice.

about the facilitator

Sabrina (she/her), BES, is a Catholic Environmental Educator from Tkaronto/Toronto. As Creation Care Animator for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, she’s a long time proponent of Deep Ecology and Integral Ecology. Her work centers on community engagement, outdoor education and environmental well-being. She uses story-telling, community action and spiritual thought to help all people understand how to act wisely towards our water, air and earth.

the title of the workshop - laudato si' - in a rainbow design in front of a picture of the facilitator leaning against a tree

Drag as a Spiritual Practice: Theology and Performance Art

with Julian Munro / King Julez

What is Drag? This workshop will go over the history of the art form, and very key figures in the development and popularization of the art. Participants will learn the different forms of drag, queer performance, theatre, and music. Through this workshops, participants will be guided through different skills and themes that artists have needed through the ages, and how drag can now fit into religious spheres as an expression of theology.

about the facilitator

Julian/ King Julez (they/them) is the chair of Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble, a national non-profit organization that works for full inclusion and affirmation of 2S-LGBTQ+ folks in religious spaces and in all of society, and a board member for Student Christian Movement. After getting a BA in Diversity and Equity, King Julez is studying their Masters of Divinity with the goal of becoming a drag clown reverend with their own congregation to serve.

the title of the workshop - Drag as a spiritual practice - in a rainbow design with the painted face of the facilitator behind the title but still visible

Drag Story-Sharing Time and Face-Painting

with Julian Munro / King Julez

This session will be a sharing time of children’s stories, poems, and scriptures with optional face-painting! King Julez will be answering questions about what it means to be a drag clown and how that works in their work as a student and future ordinand in the United Church of Canada. There will be opportunities for participants to draw/colour up different reflections to each piece of reading (on paper and/or their face).

about the facilitator

Julian/ King Julez (they/them) is the chair of Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble, a national non-profit organization that works for full inclusion and affirmation of 2S-LGBTQ+ folks in religious spaces and in all of society, and a board member for Student Christian Movement. After getting a BA in Diversity and Equity, King Julez is studying their Masters of Divinity with the goal of becoming a drag clown reverend with their own congregation to serve.

the title of the workshop - Drag Story Sharing time and Face painting - in a rainbow style with the colourful face of the facilitator centered behind the title

Connecting with Creation

with Eleanor Reed

Research has shown that spending time in nature is good for our mental, physical and spiritual health. We will take a gentle walk through the woods and take time to appreciate the sounds, colours and variety of species. In particular we will notice plants that don’t belong and discuss the implications.

about the facilitator

Eleanor loves nature and experiences God there. She is a forester and steward of a farm/forest in Kawartha Lakes.

a rainbow coloured title of the workshop - Connecting with Creation - against the backdrop of the woman facilitating the workshop

Art for Everyone: Intro to Stencilling Street Art

(12+, but could include youngers if they come with a helpful 12+ person)

with Jasper Wicke + abi lyon wicke

Come learn about street art that inspires us and how you can add some to your neighbourhood in creative and beautiful ways. Art activism for your front yard – images and messages to spark everyday creativity and joy! We will look at examples then make our own stencils for reproducible make-anywhere art. Come prepared to get messy.

about the facilitator

Jasper began drawing as soon as they could hold a crayon and has rarely been without a drawing tool in hand in the ten years since that time. They particularly love street art in all forms and enjoy designing and making unique costumes that both express their creativity and make good use of our planet’s resources through thrifting, sharing and swapping. Jasper loves being active outdoors, hiking and camping (especially near water), discussing social justice and environmental issues, baking, practicing aerial silks and making art with other people. abi loves making things out of leftovers, remnants, recycling and other random found objects. Sharing this passion with others and creating art together brings her particular joy. abi has participated in artmaking activities for as long as she can remember and has been an instructor and facilitator of others’ creative pursuits in many contexts, from regular pottery and art classes to festival workshops and teaching her children at home. Working with a team to create art installations and experiences in her faith community is an integral part of inspiring and informing her own faith journey.

the title of the workshop - Art is For Everyone - on the backdrop of a stenciled penguin on concrete

Engaging Settlers in Solidarity Action with Indigenous Land Defenders

with Layla Staats + Skyler Williams + Erik Lankin + Scott Morton Ninomiya (moderator)

This conversation led by Indigenous Land Defenders involved in the 1492 Landback Lane movement will explore the possibilities for engaging Settlers in this work. We will hear how Settlers can act effectively in solidarity with Indigenous Land Defenders responding to colonial violence from the systems funded with Settler taxes. Includes a moderated Q&A. This session is designed to engage and equip Settlers for action. Participants are welcome to sign up for a subsequent training session on direct action delivered by Christian Peacemaker Teams.

about the facilitators

Layla Staats is a Haudenosaunee Land Defender who has supported a variety of Indigenous sovereignty movements. Skyler Williams is a Haudenosaunee Land Defender who has served as a spokesperson for 1492 Landback Lane. Erik Lankin is a settler ally who has supported the Landback movement and worked to communicate with and recruit other settlers. Scott Morton Ninomiya is a settler working with Mennonite Central Committee on matters of Indigenous solidarity.

Playing the Holy Fool


with Mäki Ashe Van Steenwyk

Within Christianity there is a strange subset of the prophet called the “Holy Fool.” Holy Fools defy social convention in both word and action–sometimes in bizarre ways–out of their religious devotion. In this workshop, we will engage this “archetype” of the Holy Fool. We learn about specific historical examples, spend time in spiritual practice, and explore ways of allowing the Holy Fool to shape our praxis in the world.

about the facilitator

Mäki Ashe Van Steenwyk (they/them) is a writer, teacher, organizer, and spiritual director. For nearly 15 years, they have sown seeds of subversive spirituality throughout North America. Ashe is is the Executive Director of the Center for Prophetic Imagination in Minneapolis. They co-founded the Mennonite Worker in Minneapolis in 2004 with their spouse Amy. Ashe is the author of That Holy Anarchist, unKingdom, and A Wolf at the Gate.

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