Engaging Settlers in Solidarity Action with Indigenous Land Defenders

with Layla Staats + Skyler Williams + Erik Lankin + Scott Morton Ninomiya (moderator)

This conversation led by Indigenous Land Defenders involved in the 1492 Landback Lane movement will explore the possibilities for engaging Settlers in this work. We will hear how Settlers can act effectively in solidarity with Indigenous Land Defenders responding to colonial violence from the systems funded with Settler taxes. Includes a moderated Q&A. This session is designed to engage and equip Settlers for action. Participants are welcome to sign up for a subsequent training session on direct action delivered by Christian Peacemaker Teams.

about the facilitators

Layla Staats is a Haudenosaunee Land Defender who has supported a variety of Indigenous sovereignty movements. Skyler Williams is a Haudenosaunee Land Defender who has served as a spokesperson for 1492 Landback Lane. Erik Lankin is a settler ally who has supported the Landback movement and worked to communicate with and recruit other settlers. Scott Morton Ninomiya is a settler working with Mennonite Central Committee on matters of Indigenous solidarity.


Cahoots in Quarantine 2021!

With no safe way to gather together in large numbers, our Core Organizing Group decided to build on last year’s experience of online sessions. Cahoots! Take Action was an online activism series designed to get us moving and learning at the same time – just as we intend at the in-person festival.

Cahoots Take Action Series
Cahoots Take Action: Online 2021

With many of us disempowered by the loss of established ways of meeting together and building power for positive change, we knew it was important to reaffirm our call to take thoughtful, intentional, collective action, and we asked our facilitators to guide us.

These sessions were intentionally not recorded, because they were focused on immediate responses to the needs and opportunities of the moment. We are grateful for the facilitators and the ongoing work of many in the wide Cahoots commmunity!

Migrant Rights during the Pandemic – with Jesson Reyes

When you’re hopeful, where do you put it? Kids and youth session – with Jonathon Reed

Landback and Residential Schools: Settler Solidarity Actions – with Peter Haresnape

Radical Generosity – Giving and the Church


Elliot Gunn

We need to talk about how our money and our faith interact – because when we don’t, we risk inheriting oppressive attitudes towards both! We’ll begin with a whirlwind tour through the history of tithing as a part of Christian discipleship. We’ll look at creative ways to talk about money and build church communities around biblical principles like jubilee and koinonia. You’ll be asked to consider the role that your personal finances play in forming communities of radical generosity and embodied grace.

about the facilitator

Elliot (he/him) runs Faith & Big Ideas, a Bible study group through the Student Christian Movement Canada & First Lutheran Toronto, that provides intensive peer-led conversations that focus on existentially overwhelming questions in our spiritual journeys. He loves engaging with big questions and messy ideas through conversation grounded in Christ. He works in tech and enjoys nerding out about all things money

2022 Covid Safety – we are all pivot experts – final

Our Covid Safety plan is based on our best knowledge. Please be gracious with one another as we work together for the safety and comfort of all.

Rapid Tests – Everyone attending the festival will take a rapid test. In the unfortunate event of a positive test you will not be able to participate. Therefore, you may wish to take a test before you leave for the festival – take a picture of the test so that we can confirm it upon your arrival.

If people need to leave the site, they will re-test before returning – you can get a spare test by asking at registration.

Masking – when you are sharing an inside space as part of a group – for example, in a workshop or morning gathering, we ask people aged 12+ to wear a mask. This will allow for comfortable sharing of the space. Children 5+ years old in those spaces are also recommended to wear masks.
Exceptions – you do not need to wear a mask in your own sleeping space and the dining room. People using microphones to lead a gathering or time of worship may choose not to wear a mask.

If you’re unable to wear a mask, please email us before the festival

Please be attentive to the needs and comfort levels of others – practice good consent and communication when taking off your mask! Please listen to the directions of workshop facilitators around additional precautions they may wish to take.

Vaccinations – We encourage everyone who is able and eligible to get vaccinated. Following provincial guidelines, we (and our host camp) are not asking for proof of vaccination. You may voluntarily disclose your status upon registration.

Arrivals – tell us when you plan to arrive, and how you are getting here, to help us know who is on site. As soon as you arrive you must register and complete a rapid test (or show proof of a negative test)

Sanitization – Disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer will be made available in various spaces throughout the camp. Speakers can use disinfectant wipes in the worship and gathering space to clean the equipment between microphone usage.

This information is listed in the Welcome Package emailed to all participants, and on the cahootsfest.ca website.

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