2020 Cahoots Session Facilitator Callout

The seventh annual Cahoots festival is a time of celebration, challenge and community-building exploring faith and justice through hands-on, thoughtful, cooperative, and spiritual practice. For more on our grounding principles see: “So What IS Cahoots?’ Join us May 21-24, 2020 at Pearce Williams Camp!

Come and lead a Cahoots session! We seek facilitators to share their skills and insights into Faith, Justice and DIY. Sessions are led by festival participants, as a community of ‘ordinary experts’, with support available for inexperienced facilitators, or to experiment with new methods. Sessions take many forms: talk or discussion, workshop or art build, game or activity. It’s great when we can learn or practice a skill, and we love sessions that integrate different ages and learning styles. Submit a session proposal!

Our Theme: 2020 Vision

How does the future look to you? Feeling optimistic, cautious, or plain terrified, wondering what the world will be in twenty years? Do you ever wonder what happened twenty years ago that made things how they are today, both good and bad?

A powerful gift of diverse spiritual communities like Cahoots is the capacity to share and explore vision. Under the theme of 2020 Vision we’re looking for future-oriented sessions. What skills will we need for a future of sharing and cooperation? What rituals and spiritual practices can build resilience and resourcefulness?

Our whole-group gathering times will use this theme of 2020 Vision. We invite you to consider how your proposed session can further explore the theme. Addressing the theme is not essential for all sessions, but may help you explore, develop and describe your idea.

Being a Facilitator

All Cahoots participants buy a ticket on the sliding scale. Everyone volunteers in one capacity or another. If you are a session facilitator, your session is considered your volunteer time! But don’t worry, if you wish to volunteer in the kitchen or elsewhere, you still can!

Submitting a Session

Submit through the form, sharing any initial or additional questions to cahoots@scmcanada.org. The Core Organizing Group meets in January 2020 to discuss submissions and identify any support needed to make your session the best possible. Part of our goal is to give everyone the experience of leadership, so if you haven’t done this before, let us know what will make it easier. The application form will also help you think through how to design a session that will be accessible and meaningful to people of different abilities and ages.

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